Here are some graphs and data related to the Parker Solar Probe mission.


- S/C position and speed (2024-04-13)
- Main events (2024-04-13)
- Orbital elements (2024-04-13)
- Venus flybys (2024-04-13)

Unless otherwise stated, the following applies.

Graphs and comments are based on APL Parker Solar Probe Science Gateway's data files available at psp-gateway.jhuapl.edu.
Newest data file: spp_recon_20231008_20240201_v001.bsp created by JHUAPL on 2024/02/13 00:35 UTC.

Coordinates: the coordinates are geometric (no corrections for aberration, light-time, etc.).

Radius of the bodies: both Venus and the Sun are modeled as spheres with a radius of 6051.8 km and 696000 km respectively.

Interactive graphs: all the graphs are rendered with plotly.js, an open-source JavaScript graphing library to generate dynamic and interactive graphs. When plotly.js is used, the page could take a few seconds to load.

Earth Observation Portal link: Parker Solar Probe - former SPP (Solar Probe Plus) Spacecraft Mission.