
Here are some graphs and data related to the OSIRIS-APEX mission.


- Cruise (2023-10-21)
- Cruise s/c position (2023-10-21)

Unless otherwise stated, the following applies.

Data file: graphs and comments are based on NAIF's data files available at naif.jpl.nasa.gov.

Coordinates: the coordinates are geometric (no corrections for aberration, light-time, etc.).

Spacecraft axes: some graphs show the spacecraft orientation according to the figure. Official website page: Spacecraft Coordinate System.
The graphs use the following color convention: the red line is aligned with the +Z axis (during a burn, it represents the direction of the thrust vector when the main engines are used, in other words the propellant is ejected from the main engines in the -Z direction); the blue line is aligned with the +X axis and represents the HGA boresight; the green line is aligned with the +Y axis.

Interactive graphs: all the graphs are rendered with plotly.js, an open-source JavaScript graphing library to generate dynamic and interactive graphs. When plotly.js is used, the page could take a few seconds to load.

Accelerations: the spacecraft acceleration during a maneuver is obtained by numerical differentiation of the speed. The formal uncertainty of the acceleration (assuming an exact speed obtained from a data file) is on the order of 10-8 m/s2.

Earth Observation Portal link: OSIRIS-APEX (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-APophis EXplorer).