Tables of the orbital parameters

The table lists various orbital parameters for the day shown in the "Date" column (if "Date" is "2018-01-01", it should be read as "2018-01-01 00:00:00 UTC").
If there are no TLEs for a given date (because the TLE epoch is too distant from the wanted date), that date is skipped.

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In orbit Decayed. For these satellites, the first row may be unreliable.

Explanation of the columns

Date: if T is the orbital period and Date = "2018-09-18", all the calculations are done for 1 orbit that starts from 2018-09-18 - T/2 and ends to 2018-09-18 + T/2.

Rave, Rmin, Rmax: average, minimum and maximum radius vector - 6371 km (just to show an approximate altitude). Rave + 6371 is equivalent to the (real) semi-major axis (it's not the osculating semi-major axis).

Vave, Vmin, Vmax: average, minimum and maximum orbital speed in m/s. Vave is calculated as the length of 1 orbit divided by the orbital period.

T: orbital period in minutes.

Ecc: eccentricity calculated as (Rmax - Rmin) / (Rmax + Rmin + 2 · 6371).

Iave: mean orbital inclination in degrees with respect to the TEME reference frame.