Air data - Long range forecast

Here's a long range forecast of solar indices and air density. The data file can be downloaded from Solar Cycle Progression and Forecast; current file: loading....

The following graph shows the indices used by the NRLMSISE-00 atmosphere model to calculate the air density.

The following graph shows the air density calculated by means of the NRLMSISE-00 atmosphere model along with the data file "Radio Flux (10.7 cm) Extended Forecast - Table 95 percentile". The values used for F10.7 and Ap are those of the 50th percentile.
The points are plotted with a 15-day step size and since the air density also varies with the local apparent solar time, the graph shows the minimum and maximum density for each plotted day and for three geodetic altitudes: 250, 350 and 450 km over a point with latitude = 0 and longitude = 0.
The scale of the vertical axis (air density) is logarithmic.